
Yul Update ユウルあっぷでーと

A month has passed already since Yul's Omiyamairi and our last post, and so much has changed. His neck has been getting continuously stronger, and he's now able to hold his head up by himself for a long period of time. While last month he always wanted to be held sideways, he now only wants to do that when it's time to sleep. Other times he likes to sit upright on someone's lap or leaning against something. He's also just started to use his hands for something other than waving aimlessly around, trying to grab his toys or our hands and faces. The other big change has been his voice. He now laughs a lot and lets out very strange, high-pitched screeches that sound like a strange bird. A short video is attached at the top, although being two weeks old already, it doesn't show a lot of these new actions. You can see the translation of the lyrics to the song by going to the video's page on youtube and clicking more info.
お宮参りに行った日記からあっという間に一ヶ月経ちました。悠流は毎日すくすく育っています。最近は首の力がついてきて、首が据わるのもあとちょっと という感じ。前はずーっと寝転がっていたけど、首が強くなってきたおかげで、ソファーや誰かの膝の上になら、支えがあれば座れるようになりました。まだ首はグラグラして安定はしてないけど、、、。寝てるより、座っているほうが好きみたいです。目もよく見えるようになってきたみたいで、人の顔を見ると、ニコニコします。テンションの高いときには、誰かが話しかけたりすると、ものすごい高い声で叫ぶようになりました。なんかの動物の鳴き声みたい。表情が出てきたので、ますます可愛くなってきました。。。